Posts Tagged ‘Valentine’s Day’

Crackin’ Romance

Posted: February 14, 2013 by Crackin' Wax in General
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It’s another Valentine’s day at the Crackin’ Wax house. Tonight I will crack open this bottle of California’s best commercial-grade Merlot, crack some laughs while listening to and serenading my lovely wife with some personally recorded music and stuff my belly with some delicious cuisine prepared by my talented and sexy wife. Bet you didn’t know that food tastes better when cooked by a sexy woman, did you? See, that’s why all you guys secretly DVR Giada, Nigella and Paula. What. Y’all don’t think Paula’s sexy, y’all?


Because I’m a glutton for punishment, humiliation and embarrassment, I present to you a couple of tracks that a more romantic version of myself recorded years back for my honey. The first, titled “Always Never,” is the last of a 3-song set that I wrote and recorded for Amy in 2000, the first year that we were together. She was away for a weekend attending a Dave Matthews concert and I was at home writing and recording music for her. As it would turn out, this is the last song that I have written to date.

The second track is my twist of the Failure song, “The Nurse Who Loved Me.” It was arranged and recorded in secret in our apartment, but not in our secret apartment, as a surprise wedding/honeymoon gift. Done in 2005, this is to date the last song that I have recorded. See, hun? I do for you what I do for no one else. Years afterwards I just show off. ;)

Love you, sweetie! Happy Valentine’s Day! xoxox